L-R: 特蕾西巴塞洛缪, 孙燕姿Manisero, 劳伦德怀尔 CC '11, 特鲁帕特里克 ’17

紧随另一个明星的脚步 女子篮球赛季 -一个 带领球队进入疯狂三月 for the first time in its history — Barnard hosted its annual 游戏之外 panel on March 25, focused on fostering a healthy community. 彼得起球, 哥伦比亚’s Campbell Family Director of Intercollegiate 体育运动 and Physical Education, called attention to the fans and the power that sports have to bring communities together at the 哥伦比亚十大电竞游戏综合排名体育联合会赞助活动.

“We all saw the tremendous support that we have for our women’s basketball program,” said Pilling. “It’s really powerful the impact that sports can have on our respective communities.”

L-R: 彼得起球, Sooji Park, 劳拉·罗森伯里总统

在完成一份清单之后 最近的成功 — which ranged from the team’s historic season to 击剑队获得的奖牌 在NCAA地区赛上输给了足球队 runner-up status in the Ivy League Tournament劳拉·罗森伯里总统 introduced the event’s theme: “Building Communities of Care: 支持ing Resilience in 女性 Athletes.”

“[With] more than 60 student athletes at Barnard competing through the 哥伦比亚十大电竞游戏综合排名体育联合会 ... it’s so important that we discuss athletes’ well-being so that we can continue to provide the support they need to compete and perform at the highest levels,罗森伯里说.

这种情绪反映了“关爱社区”,” a foundation principle President Rosenbury introduced in her 就职演说 以及新事物的灵感 Francine LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being.

该小组由NY1周末主持人主持 孙燕姿Manisero,包括 特蕾西巴塞洛缪哥伦比亚女足总教练; 劳伦德怀尔 CC’11, a former member of the women’s basketball team and senior director of growth and innovation at the WNBA; and swimmer 特鲁帕特里克 2017年,现在是谷歌的全球产品主管.


The excerpts below from this year’s panel have been edited for clarity and flow.


Manisero launched the discussion by providing the American Psychological Association’s definition of resilience: “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, 创伤, 威胁, 或者是压力的重要来源.” 特蕾西巴塞洛缪 关于主题的扩展:

“作为一个心理学专业的学生, I learned quick and fast that every single person, 在座的各位, 他们的生活中发生了什么事吗, 每个人都有自己的旅程. 我想我把这一点带进了我的教练生涯. 很明显, 作为教练, you’re creating environments that push [players] in order to achieve great things, but you need to know that a community of care is in place so they can also have moments of vulnerability. We need to create a team that can pick you up when you’re down.

“Doing hard things, handling that stress, and our ability to manage that gets better over time. We have to convince our athletes that you can embrace that and you can handle it. 这是一种进化. But also, if you’re struggling, there’s a moment where you can have an out. There are times when you can tell that someone is just not okay. That’s when you say, ‘Let’s just have a moment, it’s all right, we can deal with it. 明天是新的一天.’”


游泳运动员 特鲁帕特里克 ’17 spoke about the importance of learning how to bounce back and how seeking support from teammates can translate into future successes.

“我回想起我大一的时候, 我嗑了药, 我训练得很好, but those results were not showing in the meets. My coaches pulled me aside and said that I should see the sports psychologist. 我很感激我这么做了. In those sessions, I learned that I was actually a little afraid of my own success. And that was a mental barrier that I needed to overcome to put the physical and mental together. When I did that, I broke a 10-year-old school record in the 200-yard butterfly. It was really just me learning to believe in myself and learning to believe that I was worthy of attaining that level of success, [and] it definitely carries over into my professional endeavors. 即使是现在, it’s still just believing that I’m worthy and that I should be a part of these conversations and leading the way.


“We actually had gone undefeated for the first time in program history in the Ivy League, 这是团队合作的结果. 每次见面我们都互相支持. There was nobody sitting; we were all just cheering for each other, we played off each other. 这是最好的方法. That really resonates with me being in the professional sphere, of knowing the value of finding your teammates and finding those people who are in your corner, 寻找导师, 那些能支持你的教练, 以及你能支持谁.”


劳伦德怀尔 CC’11 said that while it makes sense to shoot for the championship at the start of the season, if it becomes evident that winning the championship is not in the cards, 然后是时候重新设定你的目标了, 调整, 继续前进.

“你可以重新设定目标. Ask yourself, ‘What are we still working towards? If we aren’t gonna get that championship, what are we still building towards? 我们还在玩什么?’ I want to push myself, but if I don’t get there, that’s okay. 还有别的事情要做. I think that’s what [Duke coach] Kara Lawson was saying with ‘更好地处理困难.事情不会变得更容易. If they’re easy, then you’ve got to go to the next level. 所以, 如果你还想逼自己的话, 这总是很难的, and there’s a kind of acceptance and an understanding that it’s okay if you fall short. It’s okay to keep building towards something else and to keep looking for success in different ways.”