A Word with Linda Elovitz Marshall ’71


By Marie DeNoia Aronsohn

Linda Elovitz Marshall
Sisters in Science

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize 她是唯一一位获得两项荣誉的女性,她发现了钋和镭, championed the use of radiation in medicine, 从根本上改变了我们对放射性和癌症治疗的认识. 这些成就让世人知道了玛丽·居里(1867-1934)。. 但这位开创性的科学家同时也是一位非常忠诚的姐妹. 根据琳达·埃洛维茨·马歇尔1971年的新书, 科学中的姐妹:玛丽·居里,布罗尼娅Dłuska,和姐妹的原子力量, that relationship made all the difference.

Marshall, now 73, 直到快60岁的时候,她才开始考虑写儿童文学. 这是在养育了四个孩子和一群羊之后,开发并授权了一种名为“宠物丈夫”的产品, and surviving a bout with cancer.

The award-winning author, 她写了二十多本书,有一群忠实的读者, 向我们讲述了促使她写下居里夫人的罕见之处的不寻常之路, unbreakable bond with her sister Bronia.
Oh, no [laughs]. In fact, 当我参加大学新生研讨会时,我对成为作家的任何想法都消失了 English Department. I took a seminar on fantasy. It was really, really fun. 我的一个同学总是让教授读她的东西,而我从来没有读过任何东西. That classmate was Mary Gordon!
在涉足儿童文学之前,你是个职业作家. When did you start out?
我教授儿童教育和育儿教育,并为纽约州教育部提供儿童健康方面的咨询. 我回到研究生院,学习人类学,带着四个孩子,开车载着每个人到处跑,努力写一篇论文, and I got diagnosed with breast cancer. 我当时38岁,我说:“(咒骂语)这篇论文.我抓起一个笔记本,开始写我的直觉. 我和几个人分享了我的诗,我开始出版一些东西. 在那段时间里,我还联系了玛丽·戈登,她给了我很大的鼓励.

Woman with Beaker Illustration

What started you writing for kids?
As a teenager, 我在一所(智障)儿童学校工作, 我一直对儿童早期发展和心理学很感兴趣. 后来我有机会(在奥尔巴尼)开了一家书店. Later on, I opened another bookstore.

I had a fabulous time with my bookstores. 人们会在我的收银台前排队,告诉我他们的问题, 她们的丈夫大多不把马桶座圈放下来,也不收拾脏袜子. 有一次,我的一个顾客说,“有人记得宠物石吗??” [It was a short-lived marketing fad in 1975.那个人说:“宠物丈夫怎么样?” And I said, “This is a great idea.”

我拿了我丈夫的一只袜子,在上面画了一张脸(笑),然后注册了商标. Someone said I should write a book about it. 我决定授权,因为我不想进入制造业. 我最不需要的就是一仓库的宠物丈夫! 所以我开始编造其他的角色,我说,“也许我应该写一个故事.”

嗯,然后我想到了其他角色,上了一些关于如何为孩子写作的课. Then my daughter said, “Mom, you can do this.” 
一位朋友刚刚写了一篇关于玛丽·居里和她妹妹的文章. 我觉得它很吸引人,于是我说:“我们把它变成一本图画书吧.“关于这对姐妹,真正不为人所知的是,她们有一个约定. They would support each other. [When Marie became depressed], 是Bronia让她振作起来的, reminding her, “You want to study science, right?”

《十大电竞游戏综合排名》带给我们很多启示. One takeaway is a gentle introduction to the science of chemistry; another is learning about the discovery of radiation and radioactivity; a third is about hard work and perseverance; a fourth is about doing good for others; and a fifth is about the importance of helping others achieve their goals. 

There may be others, too. I hope readers learn that, no matter how famous someone is, 其他人可能会一路帮助他们. 每个人都需要别人的帮助:朋友、家人、老师和导师.

Women in Science Illustration

Writing is hard work. Don’t get discouraged. 试着每天写点东西,哪怕只是几个字. 写作是一块需要锻炼的“肌肉”. 随身携带一个笔记本,或者使用手机上的“笔记”部分,记下你的想法. Try to find one idea a day. Keep reading. Keep learning. You never know where ideas will come from. Most importantly, have fun! 至于我,我直到60岁才开始为孩子们写作! It’s never too late.

Photo by Tom Stoelker. 插图版权所有©Anna和Elena Balbusso.

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